
I'm not quite sure how I can debug my program while developing, I build with Bootstrap

zichen8552 opened this issue · 7 comments

I saw the example You can use go run main.go directly to quickly run and see the effect
Bootstrap can only be viewed every time a file is generated using astilen-bundler?
If I use (go run main.go) directly, it prompts:
.\main.go:29:13: undefined: Asset
.\main.go:30:13: undefined: AssetDir
.\main.go:73:18: undefined: RestoreAssets

you need to run go run *.go so that it takes all go files (including bind file)

$ go run *.go
Running app built at

I can use 【astillen-bundlerastillen-bundler】 to generate exe files, but using【 go run *.go】 will prompt 【Running app built at】, and it’s over.

If you're looking to use go run *.go you need to use astilectron-bundler bd (note the bd at the end) to only bind data. Can you share all the output if you're still encountering issues ?

That's all the prompts, very few, so I'm not sure what's wrong

Are you setting the logger properly?

Could you share your bootstrap options ?

Thank you very much for your help, I solved it because the version of C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\vendo\ is incorrect, it is version 0.49.0 in it.