
linux bundle failed

passerbyo opened this issue · 8 comments

2022/07/15 03:18:43 Building for os linux and arch amd64 astilectron: 0.51.0 electron: 11.4.3
2022/07/15 03:18:43 Executing go build -ldflags -X "main.AppName=Astilectron demo" -X "main.BuiltAt=2022-07-15 03:18:43.836555438 -0400 EDT m=+6.584818528" -X "main.VersionAstilectron=0.51.0" -X "main.VersionElectron=11.4.3" -o /root/go/GOCODE/src/
2022/07/15 03:19:18 bundling failed: bundling for environment linux/amd64 failed: building failed: #
/root/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: running gcc failed: exit status 1
/usr/bin/ld: i386 architecture of input file `/tmp/go-link-4158473790/000000.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Have you tried building other go binaries on this machine ?

Have you tried building other go binaries on this machine ?

yes , they all work normally. And i build go astilectron demo successfully before

Is your machine a 32 bits machine ?

Is your machine a 32 bits machine ?

no,my machine is pure amd64

─# uname -a
Linux kali 5.15.0-kali3-amd64

you can download my machine to run on vmware from following link.


my go version go1.17.10 linux/amd64

when i excuse go main.go


it shows privilege errors on root account linux system.

2022/07/15 05:30:45 removing /root/go/GOCODE/src/
2022/07/15 05:30:45 Listening...
2022/07/15 05:30:45 Executing...
2022/07/15 05:30:45 Starting cmd /root/go/GOCODE/src/ /root/go/GOCODE/src/ false
2022/07/15 05:30:45 Stderr says: [8156:0715/] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See
2022/07/15 05:30:45 '/root/go/GOCODE/src/' exited with code: -1
2022/07/15 05:30:45 App has crashed
2022/07/15 05:30:45 Stopping...
2022/07/15 05:30:45 astikit: stopping worker...
2022/07/15 05:30:45 main: creating window failed: context canceled
exit status 1```