Trade Turn tooltip ambiguity
astog opened this issue · 3 comments
Mouseover tooltips for "If started, route will complete in" -- thank you so much for improving on the default game here! -- are off. I can't quite figure out how the number was derived, though.
For example, I've got one route here which is 38 tiles, and it correctly observes "trips to destination: 1". If then says it would complete in 168 turns. OH WAIT I just figured out where the confusion is, and how it could be addressed. It stems from the clock icon simultaneously being used to mean both relative time and absolute time.
See, I'm on turn 92. A route that completes in 76 turns would end on turn 168. I recommend for clarity a tooltip that doesn't use the icons and instead reads like:
Trade Route distance: 38 hexes
Trips to destination: 1
If started, route will complete in 76 turns on turn 168That would be totally unambiguous.
Thanks for working on it. I'd be satisfied if you closed it, but still think the last "in {clock} 96" would be better as "on turn 96".
That works 👍 .