
How to configure sign icons

tall-josh opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I'm wondering if I'm able to configure the sign icons that appear in the left margin that indicate warning|error|hint|info?

I'm using init.lua, my previous config when using lsp-zero was

  error = "W",
  warning = "X",
  hint = "Y",
  info = "Z",

I don't think I'm able to help you with this without knowing more about your setup. What editor are you using? Anyway, I think this is an editor and not an LSP feature.

Yeah, it is an editor related query. Neovim's LSP client uses the builtin diagnostic system to display any violations so you might want to look at that part of the documentation, especially the vim.diagnostic.Opts.Signs. I'll close this issue.

Thanks, I'll take a look