Undefined name `anext` Ruff(F821)
AsgeirNoM opened this issue · 8 comments
- A minimal code snippet that reproduces the bug.
- The current Ruff and VS Code settings (any relevant sections from your
respect-gitignore = true
python = ">=3.11, <3.13"
The current Ruff and VS Code extension versions (
ruff --version
ruff 0.1.15
VS-Code plugin v2024.48.0 -
A description of your environment (e.g., operating system, Python version, etc.).
python3.11.9 / devcontainer mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python:1-3.11-bookworm
Turning off ruff as a linter, and only use it for formatting.
Thanks for providing the details. Can you specify what the issue that you're facing here? I'm unable to infer that based on the information that you've provided.
Thanks for providing the details. Can you specify what the issue that you're facing here? I'm unable to infer that based on the information that you've provided.
anext is a python3 builtin (since 3.10) https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#anext
- The current Ruff and VS Code extension versions (
ruff --version
ruff 0.1.15
Can you try it with a recent Ruff version? It doesn't occur in it: https://play.ruff.rs/b6e9c140-0f81-40d3-bfd5-84e80422ff8b