
Implement flake8-simplify

charliermarsh opened this issue ยท 12 comments

Python-specific rules:

  • SIM101 ("Multiple isinstance-calls which can be merged into a single call by using a tuple as a second argument")
  • SIM105 ("Use 'contextlib.suppress(...)' instead of try-except-pass")
  • SIM107 ("Don't use return in try/except and finally ")
  • SIM108 ("Use the ternary operator if it's reasonable ")
  • SIM109 ("Use a tuple to compare a value against multiple values")
  • SIM110 ("Use any(...) ")
  • SIM111 ("Use all(...)")
  • SIM113 ("Use enumerate instead of manually incrementing a counter")
  • SIM114 ("Combine conditions via a logical or to prevent duplicating code")
  • SIM115 ("Use context handler for opening files")
  • SIM116 ("Use a dictionary instead of many if/else equality checks")
  • SIM117 ("Merge with-statements that use the same scope")

Simplifying Comparisons:

  • SIM201 ("Use 'a != b' instead of 'not a == b'")
  • SIM202 ("Use 'a == b' instead of 'not a != b'")
  • SIM203 ("Use 'a not in b' instead of 'not (a in b)'")
  • SIM208 ("Use 'a' instead of 'not (not a)'")
  • SIM210 ("Use 'bool(a)' instead of 'True if a else False'")
  • SIM211 ("Use 'not a' instead of 'False if a else True'")
  • SIM212 ("Use 'a if a else b' instead of 'b if not a else a'")
  • SIM220 ("Use 'False' instead of 'a and not a'")
  • SIM221 ("Use 'True' instead of 'a or not a'")
  • SIM222 ("Use 'True' instead of '... or True'")
  • SIM223 ("Use 'False' instead of '... and False'")
  • SIM300 ("Use 'age == 42' instead of '42 == age'")

Simplifying usage of dictionaries:

  • SIM401 ("Use 'a_dict.get(key, "default_value")' instead of an if-block")
  • SIM118 ("Use 'key in dict' instead of 'key in dict.keys()'")

General Code Style:

  • SIM102 ("Use a single if-statement instead of nested if-statements")
  • SIM103 ("Return the boolean condition directly")
  • SIM112 ("Use CAPITAL environment variables")

This plugin is particularly useful because we should be able to autofix most of these.

I'm working on SIM110 and SIM111.

(These actually require some weird logic whereby we need to be able to peek at the next sibling, so TBD.)

looking good! I'll keep an eye on this issue and hopefully be able to remove the flake8-simplify plugin from Sphinx soon!

I'm working on SIM101.

SIM106 ("Handle error-cases first")

SIM106 was removed in flake8-simplify due to too many false-positives: MartinThoma/flake8-simplify#108

Removed, thanks!

FYI SIM103 autofix refactored my code to be incorrect:

(apps-z6RSF3Uo-py3.10) jack@macbook api % cat /tmp/ 
def verify_user(kind):
    if kind != "USER":
        return False
        return True
(apps-z6RSF3Uo-py3.10) jack@macbook api % ruff /tmp/
/tmp/ SIM103 Return the condition `kind != "USER"` directly
Found 1 error(s).
1 potentially fixable with the --fix option.
(apps-z6RSF3Uo-py3.10) jack@macbook api % ruff /tmp/ --fix
Found 1 error(s) (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
(apps-z6RSF3Uo-py3.10) jack@macbook api % cat /tmp/      
def verify_user(kind):
    return kind != "USER"
(apps-z6RSF3Uo-py3.10) jack@macbook api % 

In the first case, the function returns False if the kind is not "USER", and True otherwise. In the fixed function, it returns the opposite. In the REPL:

>>> def verify_user(kind):
...     if kind != "USER":
...         return False
...     else:
...         return True
>>> verify_user("USER")
>>> def verify_user(kind):
...     return kind != "USER"
>>> verify_user("USER")

@jackklika - D'oh, thank you. I'll fix that this afternoon. Must be a flipped condition somewhere.

Can I implement SIM124? says:

The trial period starts on 28th of March and will end on 28th of September 2022.

Go for it!

@charliermarsh Is there a way to compare two expressions while ignoring their contexts?

foo = foo
^^^   ^^^
 |     |
 |      ---- Name { id: "foo", ctx: Load }
  ---------- Name { id: "foo", ctx: Store }

I tried ComparableExpr but it didn't work because the assignment target and value don't have the same context.

Hmm, no, we don't have anything to support that right now. Although arguably ComparableExpr should ignore ctx. Trying to think of where that would be incorrect.