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Joomla 4.x-Tutorial - Extension Development - Template - Overrides - Alternative Overrides and Modules Chrome | Astrid Günther

In this chapter we will change the output of the extensions in the frontend. In Joomla this is done using overrides, alternative overrides…

Hello Astrid,

Thank you for this article.

I'm starting to worry about updating my Joomla! 3 to Joomla! 4 (4.0.6 at the time of posting this).

In Joomla! 3 I used a lot the functionality that allows to create article layout overrides by duplicating and renaming the files located in components/com_content/views/article/tmpl to the html folder of my custom themes (often created from the Bl4nk Blogger Schmidt template based on Bootstrap 4
Then, by adding beside copied and renamed files, the updated xml file, the personalized layout becomes available from the component menu Article.
See paragraph n°7 of the J!3 doc which has been my reference for a long time:

I tried to reproduce this method in Joomla! 4, but if I can select article override in the Article component menu of Joomla! 4 (the reference appears well in the list as for example COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_VIEW_HERO_TITLE), this override does not seem to be taken into account in the frontend. The default article layout still seems to be used.

Can I still keep working this way in Joomla! 4 ?

Thank you

The overrides are, in my opinion, one of the most important elements in Joomla and nothing basicly has actually changed there. Maybe you have a typo. That happens to me often. Please check your spelling of the file name again. To avoid typos I sometimes use the template manager to create the override.
Something that was not logical to me is the behavior described in this issue. I am not sure if it is still the case.
You don't mean that, do you?

Thank you for your feedback.

By testing a bit more, I found that this override method still works in Cassiopeia.
It seems that in my Joomla! 3 template something is no longer compatible with Joomla! 4.
It's time for me to learn how to create a Joomla! 4 template.
If you have resources on this subject I am a taker.
Thank you