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A tutorial on how to use the Cassiopeia template for Joomla 4 - Options in Cassiopeia | Astrid Günther

Cassiopeia offers options that are customized via styles in the template manager. To make major changes to the appearance of the template…

Please translate 2nd half to English.
Regards, Geert

Where can I find a complete list of all the root:-properties with its default values that Cassiopeia uses?

Thank you for your great work!

In a Joomla installation you can find them since Joomla 4.1 in ´/media/templates/site/cassiopeia/css/template.css´

In a Joomla installation you can find them since Joomla 4.1 in ´/media/templates/site/cassiopeia/css/template.css´

Thank you!

I can not find a folder "fonts" in media/templates/site/cassiopeia/..?
Thank you

Thank you for your advice. I may have described that in a confusing way.

Cassiopeia uses fonts in the folder /media/vendor/. For example /media/vendor/roboto-fontface.
In a separate child template I would not store individual fonts there, but with the template itself. That's why I described it this way.