
Create URL interfaces without a base URL.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


RelativeURL creates fully compatible URL interfaces, without requiring a base URL. 1 2 3

npm install relative-url-interface
const kitten_image = new RelativeURL('../assets/kitten.jpg')

String(kitten_image) // "../assets/kitten.jpg"

The RelativeURL interface extends URL and can be used as a drop-in replacement. It is powered by spec-url and is ideal for server-side code, pre-compiled code, or any situation where an absolute URL may not be known.

const puppy_page = new RelativeURL('file://path/to/site/src/pages/puppy.astro')

const absolute_kitten = new RelativeURL(kitten_image, puppy_page)

fs.readFile(absolute_kitten, 'utf8') // reads "file://path/to/site/src/assets/kitten.jpg"



The hash property is a string representing the fragment identifier of the URL. When present, it is preceeded by a number sign (#).


The host property is a string representing the domain and port of the URL. When present, the port is preceeded by a colon (:).


The hostname property is a string representing the domain of the URL.


The href property is a string representing the whole URL, including any search parameters and fragment identifiers.


The origin property is a string representing the scheme, domain, and port of the URL. When present, the port is preceeded by a colon (:).


The password property is a string representing the password of the URL.


The pathname property is a string representing the path of the URL, which does not include the origin, search parameters, or fragment identifiers.


The port property is a string representing the port of the URL.


The protocol property is a string representing the scheme of the URL, including the colon (:) that proceeds it.


The search property is a string representing the search parameters of the URL. When present, it is preceeded by a question mark (?).


The searchParams property is a URLSearchParams object representing the parsed search parameters of the URL.


The username property is a string representing the username of the URL.


The segments property is an array of strings representing the path segments of the URL.



The toString method returns the whole URL as a string. It is a synonym for the href getter property.

new RelativeURL('../assets/kitten.jpg').toString() // "../assets/kitten.jpg"


The toJSON method returns the whole URL as a string. It is a synonym for the href getter property.

new RelativeURL('../assets/kitten.jpg').toJSON() // "../assets/kitten.jpg"


The to method returns a new URL resolved by the current URL.

const kitten = new RelativeURL('../assets/kitten.jpg')

String(kitten.to('puppy.jpg')) // "../assets/puppy.jpg"


Code original to this project is licensed under the CC0-1.0 License.

Code from spec-url is licensed under the The MIT License (MIT), Copyright Alwin Blok.