How to make a free PIMPING website with GitHub pages
RhysAlfShaw opened this issue · 6 comments
RhysAlfShaw commented
Some might be interested in how they can have a free personal static website using github pages.
fjebaker commented
Hi @RhysAlfShaw would you be available to run this (~15-20 mins) on February 9th?
RhysAlfShaw commented
Yes I can do that!🤌
phajy commented
I think (?) it is possible to get the code documentation and doc strings, etc., to convert into GitHub pages. Could this be covered too, if anyone knows how it works?
fjebaker commented
Hi @phajy this is defintely something we could look at, but I think should be its own meetup suggestion. In my opinion, there's already lots to cover in getting the pages setup for hosting a simple webpage, and much we ought to cover in CI/CD before looking at combining them into the auto-doc pipeline you're suggesting!
fjebaker commented