
Topic suggestion: Automated workflows

phajy opened this issue · 9 comments

Hattie mentioned some automated workflows to format code, etc. before pushing to GitHub. I'd like to hear more about those.

Perhaps there are other automated workflows that are similarly interesting.

Yes I would too! @hstewart93 would you be interested in doing a wee 15 minute demonstration of how to use your git hooks tool in an upcoming meeting?

Happy to give a little demo on this, it's pretty easy to set up with pre-commit, but I can talk about linting and autoformatting at the same time. You will need a .pre-commit-config.yaml file, I can put an example set up somewhere @fjebaker if you tell me where is useful?

Thanks @hstewart93 - this sounds great. We can discuss this on Friday 2023-12-08.

You will need a .pre-commit-config.yaml file, I can put an example set up somewhere @fjebaker if you tell me where is useful?

Maybe we could also have a discussion about the best way to organise the repository. E.g., should we organise by date or topic? Or by person / something completely different. What do you think, @fjebaker, @hstewart93, or anyone else?

Maybe we could also have a discussion about the best way to organise the repository.

Yes agreed. I was hoping to save that discussion until after we've done a short intro to git, as it means we can all then contribute to the organisation of the repository.

Maybe that's what we can do in the last meetup before the break? Start the new year with proper organisation!

At the moment, I think it would be better to create an example repo in the organisation for specific things, e.g. for the .pre-commit-config.yml example. We can add one here later, but then that one should be tailored for the needs of this repository, and is maybe not the best way to illustrate what you can do with pre-commit hooks -- if that's alright with you? Also would be fine to have everything in one place is that's preferred by others!

Thanks @hstewart93 for leading the discussion on this and setting up the corresponding dev-tools repository.

Here are the tools Hattie introduced:

  • pre-commit - A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks
  • Flake8 - Your Tool For Style Guide Enforcement
  • Black - The uncompromising code formatter

More info in the README!

I am going to close this topic suggestion since Hattie presented last week :)