- 1
Parsing of the `*.script_api` annotations
#36 opened by astrochili - 0
- 2
- 11
Support for Teal language
#42 opened by megasoft1978 - 0
Select the distanation of the API sync
#43 opened by ReanimatorXP - 7
- 4
Clickable file links in log
#41 opened by zendorx - 1
- 7
- 1
- 3
Incorrect path for Code.exe on Windows in readme section "Opening Files from Defold"
#35 opened by redoak - 1
- 0
Add task definitions to allow the user to add tasks to the `tasks.json` file.
#34 opened by astrochili - 4
Can't install one of the extension: 'thejustinwalsh.textproto-grammer' not found
#32 opened by ProgrammingLife - 5
Join Forces?
#4 opened by thejustinwalsh - 2
- 4
Can't run the build from Defold Editor
#28 opened by Deirel - 0
Separate development and production iOS provisioning profiles / code signing identities
#6 opened by astrochili - 0
Make a real VSCode extension
#14 opened by astrochili - 0
- 1
Build and run a game from the Defold Editor
#15 opened by astrochili - 3
- 3
- 1
someone can help me
#24 opened by Antonygamergod - 3
defold-api on sumneko
#13 opened by selimanac - 3
This error occured "java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: C:\Program%20Files\Defold\packages\defold-1a64dd2dda6107fc68b0055b7ca2168740e83f76.jar"
#22 opened by eldon922 - 2
this error ".vscode/ line 2: $'\r': command not found" occured when i run the game
#21 opened by eldon922 - 2
Add debugging with connecting to mobdebug
#16 opened by astrochili - 5
Windows Compatibility
#20 opened by Goradux - 5
- 1
JDK folder name does not match
#10 opened by forge18 - 0 still uses "modules.debugger"
#9 opened by BitsAtPlayDev - 4
Create project template?
#8 opened by ogrotten - 1
Unclear instruction?
#7 opened by ogrotten - 3
#2 opened by thejustinwalsh - 0
- 7
lldebugger bootstrap code
#1 opened by thejustinwalsh