
What basis is used for Color Index? Discrepancy on Betelgeuse

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Betelgeuse ( has a B-V color index of 1.85 according to the databases SIMBAD references. In the HYG v3 database, this color index is 1.5.

Is this a one-off error? Is it a matter of different bands being used for B and/or V?

The color indices are generally the HIPPARCOS values for the B-V color index. The value for Betelgeuse is 1.500 as in the following results directly from HIPPARCOS: .

Having said that, since Betelgeuse is intrinsically quite variable, its B-V color index also varies quite a bit. Here's an example of a fluctuation during its deep minimum in 2019-2020:

So ... not really sure this is an actual error - any chosen value of B-V for a star like Betelgeuse is likely only valid for the specific time of observation (or is possibly an averaged value over a long time) and should be treated as a rough estimate only.