
Cannot connect to SQL Server

kollerp opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
We are unable to to connect to a locally hosted SQL Server with connection metadata registered in the Airflow UI.
source = aql.Table(name=TABLE_NAME, conn_id=CONNECTION_ID) fails with:

File "src/pymssql/_pymssql.pyx", line 593, in pymssql._pymssql.connect} ERROR - Failed to execute job 55 for task export_to_file (connect() got an unexpected keyword argument 'extra'; 508)


  • Astro: 1.7.0
  • pymssql 2.2.10
  • OS: Ubuntu
  • We are running the cloud composer airflow environment locally provided by Google.

Can you share how your sqlserver connection is being configured in Airflow please?