How to handle tutorials in languages other than English?
kelle opened this issue · 1 comments
kelle commented
We are already getting contributions in Brazilian Portguese and could imagine wanting to translate the tutorials into Spanish. How do we want to handle this? Potentially adding a new label category for language. Default would be to show the English tutorials but the availability of other languages would be visible.
From the notes:
- Models
- One model: Each tutorial has a language tag, and people can filter in the search. If search for English and Portuguese, would get some duplicates.
- Alternative: Have tutorials in language code subdirectories, default is /en/, but others live in e.g.,, and have the site actually translated into a users preferred language based on HTML localization
- Or: Have tutorials all live in the same directory, and use language suffixes to filenames, like tutorial-name.en.ipynb, tutorial-name.pt_br.ipynb, etc. – this would alleviate any relative path issues for data files that tutorial notebooks depend on
- ISO language codes are relevant
- Algolia may have support for language codes already, so @jonathansick will investigate
Practical questions / decisions to make:
- How do we review translated tutorials?
- What is our policy for updating them when the “parent” English tutorial is translated?
- Do we accept new tutorials in non-English languages (without English counterparts)?
pllim commented
Definitely need someone on the tutorial team to vet any translated languages. For instance, if someone starts to contribute in Chinese but we do not have anyone fluent in written Chinese, then what do you do?