ccdproc.subtract_dark incorrectly raises TypeError on CCDData objects
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I am trying to automate my image reduction. I use the individual ccdproc functions (subtract_bias, subtract_dark, etc) since I need to do an image linearization between the bias and dark subtractions. I always get a TypeError from ccdproc.subtract_dark() saying that both image and dark need to be type CCDData. However, as you can see in the code below I've implemented the exact test from subtract_dark before calling and it never triggers. Bias subtraction works fine. If I comment out the isinstance test in ccdproc.subtract_dark everything works fine.
I can provide the images (~11MB total) and/or FITS headers if that would help.
Linux Fedora 27
Python 3.6.8 | Anaconda
astropy 3.1.2
ccdproc 1.3.0.post1
numpy 1.16.3
from astropy.nddata import CCDData
from astropy import units as u
# from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
# from astropy.utils import iers
# from astropy import coordinates as coord
import ccdproc
img ='', unit='adu')
dark ='', unit='adu')
if not (isinstance(img, CCDData) and isinstance(dark, CCDData)):
raise TypeError("This error never triggers")
img_dark = ccdproc.subtract_dark(img,dark,exposure_time='EXPOSURE',exposure_unit=u.s, scale=True)
File "./", line 19, in <module>
img_dark = ccdproc.subtract_dark(img,dark,exposure_time='EXPOSURE',exposure_unit=u.s, scale=True)
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ccdproc/", line 70, in wrapper
result = func(*args, **kwd)
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ccdproc/", line 616, in subtract_dark
raise TypeError("ccd and master must both be CCDData objects.")
TypeError: ccd and master must both be CCDData objects.
Hi @RLWagner and thank you for the report.
I will have a look at this later. But could you check what CCDData is ccdproc.core.CCDData
I couldn't reproduce this with the provided versions. It would be very helpful if you could provide the output of CCDData is ccdproc.core.CCDData
. I assume that somehow your installed ccdproc
has a different CCDData
@MSeifert04 -- do you have time to follow up on this or should I take a look later today?
@mwcraig It would be great if you could follow up on this. I'm a bit at a loss what might cause the issue.