
Parsing region comments

jmccormac01 opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there a way to parse region comments that appear after the # symbol on each line? For example, if I put a label 10 on the region we get # text={10} but I cannot see from the examples or docs that parsing this is possible.

cdeil commented

Here's an example using pyregion:

>>> import pyregion
>>> reg = pyregion.parse('icrs; circle 1 2 3 # text={10}')[0]
>>> print(reg.__dict__)
{'coord_list': [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], 'attr': ([], {'text': '10'}), 'params': [Number(1), Number(2), Number(3)], 'name': 'circle', 'continued': None, 'exclude': False, 'coord_format': 'icrs', 'comment': 'text={10}'}

Here's an example using the new regions package:

>>> import regions
>>> reg = regions.ds9_string_to_objects('icrs; circle 1 2 3 # text={10}')[0]
>>> print(reg.__dict__)
{'vizmeta': {'text': '{10}'}, 'meta': {'include': ''}, 'center': <ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
    (1.0, 2.0)>, 'visual': {}, 'radius': <Quantity 3.0 deg>}

It looks like both packages give you access to the comment contents.

@jmccormac01 - Is this what you need or do you need it in some other format?

Anyone -- please make pull requests to improve the documentation of both packages!

cdeil commented

I'm closing this now.

@jmccormac01 - If you still have a question or feature request, please re-open file a new issue!