
Problem with SIDM_TRUE_CITRA ayanamsa

supriyagl opened this issue · 5 comments

Whenever I use true Chitra Paksha, ayanamsa is calculated incorrectly.
My code is as follows:
ayan = swe.get_ayanamsa_ut(jd)
print("ayan ",ayan)
ayan 0.0

Please note that it is working fine for Lahiri ayanamsa.

    ayan = swe.get_ayanamsa_ut(pJd)
    print("ayan ",ayan)
    print("JD", jd)
    ayan  24.158044276445253
    JD 2459683.5

Don't see any issue with the code. works perfectly fine for me. Maybe some path issue, try adding 'swe.set_ephe_path('C:\SWEPH\EPHE')' before the function call

I cannot reproduce that bug. Do you have more information about your system, and a complete script to reproduce the bug?


Please find the complete code:

import swisseph as swe
import math
from datetime import timedelta
import julian

import os, sys
print( "Current directory (sys): ",sys.path[0])
ephemerisPath =os.getcwd()+'\bhavishya\ephe'
dob_utc = swe.utc_time_zone(1979,4,2,0,0,1,5.5)
dob_t_utc = dob_utc[3]+dob_utc[4]/60+dob_utc[5]/3600

jd = swe.julday(dob_utc[0],dob_utc[1],dob_utc[2],dob_t_utc,swe.GREG_CAL)

lon = 74+(39/60)
lat = 19+(27/60)


swe.set_sid_mode(swe.SIDM_LAHIRI, 0.0, 0.0)
ayan = swe.get_ayanamsa_ut(jd)
print("ayan1 ",ayan)

ayan = swe.get_ayanamsa_ut(jd)
print("ayan2 ",ayan)

Current directory (sys): C:\Learn\Astro Software2
C:\Learn\Astro Software2\bhavishya\ephe
ayan1 23.567182650108066
ayan2 0.0

It works for Lahiri and a few more ayanas. So I do not think that there is any problem with the code. It does not work only for True Chitra ayanamsa (SIDM_TRUE_CITRA)

I cannot reproduce that bug. Do you have more information about your system, and a complete script to reproduce the bug?

I am using Windows 10 pro. Please let me know if you need any other information.

I cant reproduce that bug.

This is what I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 7, in <module>
    import julian
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'julian'

Let's comment out that line, then I get:

Current directory (sys):  /home/stan/pyswisseph
ayan1  23.567221048702663
ayan2  23.557287465243917

What is your software version?

Please try with cloning this repository, maybe that will help.