
Get mastodon up and running quickly with docker compose and Make.

Primary LanguageMakefile


Get mastodon up and running quickly with docker compose and Make.


Run one of the following commands via make <command>


The default command. Will run docker compose up once setup has been completed.


Runs postgres via docker-compose-postgres.yaml, extracted from docker-compose.yaml, so that we can run it stand-alone and wait for it to be healthy via wait-for-db.sh that lets us run setup-db.


Runs caddy via docker-compose-caddy.yaml. This does not currently work, so we have embedded it in docker-compose.yaml with its own volume.


Uses sed to inject SITE_ADDRESS into .env.sample and output the result to .env.production.


Generates SECRET_KEY_BASE, OTP_SECRET, VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY, and VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY using rake secret and rake mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key respectively, and appends them to .env.production. See secrets for more details. This is run after config-caddy as it uses docker-compose.yml which depends on .env.caddy.production existing.


Uses sed to inject LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL and SITE_ADDRESS into .env.caddy.sample and outputs the result to .env.caddy.production. It appends TLS_INTERNAL to the file, which defaults to tls internal for the purposes of local testing. This should be empty for production use.


Runs config-mastodon and config-caddy.


Runs mastodon setup interactively. This will create .env.production, a sample of which is at .env.sample. It will setup the database, and optionally prompt to create an admin account.


Runs mastodon setup non-interactively with values copied from .env.sample. It will run config-caddy prior to execution. It will setup the database but not prompt to create an admin account.


This uses the tootctl accounts create and the web container to create an account with the Owner role which you can use to login to your instance. We usually output the result of this elsewhere (e.g. ~/admin.txt) during VM setup so that we can access it later.


Outputs the result of setup-admin to admin.txt in the current directory.


Will run docker compose down to remove any running containers, and remove caddy/, mastodon/, which are mounted into the containers, as well as .env.production and .env.caddy`.


Runs the entire series of rollback run-postgres config setup-db setup-admin-txt run.


The original setup with Caddy is inspired by Mastodon Setup with Docker and Caddy, but is based on the upstream docker-compose.yml from mastodon/mastodon. This makes it easy to diff and track upstream changes.

We are deferring the creation of .env.sample to another script/process for now.

The Caddy web server requires LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL which is currently hard-coded into docker-compose.yaml and docker-compose-caddy.yaml.

Caddyfile uses tls internal so that we can access mastodon with TLS at https://localhost after running.

We would like to be able to mount ./mastodon/public:/srv/mastodon/public:ro in docker-compose-caddy.yml rather than using its own volume but this causes Mastodon to throw errors.