Deploy a Go Web App to Azure Container Apps

Learn how to use Docker, Azure Container Registry, and Azure Container Apps to deploy a Go web ap to Azure.

Getting Started


  • An Azure account with an active subscription.
  • Docker Desktop or other runtime installed.
  • Go 1.18 or higher installed.

Download the sample

  1. git clone
  2. cd msdocs-go-webapp-quickstart

Create an Azure Container Registry

  1. Create an Azure resource group.
    az group create --name <resourceGroupName> --location eastus
  2. Create an Azure Container Registry.
    az acr create --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --name <acrName> --sku basic --admin-enabled true
  3. Log into the Azure container instance.
    az acr login --name <acrName>  

Build and push the Docker image

  1. Build and push the docker image to ACR.
    docker build -t <loginServer>/<imageName>:latest
  2. Push the docker image to ACR.
    docker push <loginServer>/<imageName>:latest
  3. Verify the image was deployed to ACR.
    az acr repository list --name <acrName> --output table

Deploy the Azure Container App

  1. Get the ARC admin password.
    password=$(az acr credential show -n <acrName> --query 'passwords[0].value' --out tsv)
  2. Create a container app environment.
    az containerapp env create \
    --name <containerAppEnvName> \
    --resource-group <resourceGroupName> \
    --location "East US"
  3. Deploy the container app.
    az containerapp create \
    --name <containerAppName> \
    --resource-group <resourceGroupName> \
    --environment <goWebAppContainerAppEnv> \
    --image "<loginServer>/<imageName>:latest" \
    --registry-server "<loginServer>" \
    --registry-username "<acrName" \
    --registry-password "$password" \
    --target-port 8080 \
    --ingress 'external'


(Any additional resources or related projects)

  • Link to supporting information
  • Link to similar sample
  • ...