
High memory usage when creating any task

sebastiaoamaro opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I am running a rust program inside docker containers, in this rust program I am using async-std to create tasks.
In the Cargo.toml:

async-std = { version = "1.11.0", features = ["attributes", "tokio1"] }

However, I noticed that with the creation of any type of task, just an empty one like:

pub async fn test()-> Result<()>{

Spawned with:


The process starts to use an extra 8MB of virtual memory, I got this value with ps aux looking at the VSZ table, (the machine has 128Gb of RAM). When I noticed this, I went ahead and created a simple program like this, and ran it outside of docker:

use async_std::task;
use async_std::prelude::*;
use std::thread;
use std::time;

fn main() {

        let sleeptime = time::Duration::from_millis(10000);

pub async fn test(){

And noticed that it still uses 8MB of virtual memory, first of all, is this intended, and secondly, can it be avoided?
Thanks in advance!

8mb is a suspicious number; it's the default size pre-allocated per thread's stack space on many operating systems.

async-std by default spawns a driver thread to drive tasks to completion. Which would perfectly explain the allocation. This cannot be avoided with the current architecture. Any subsequent tasks use a single allocation per task, and should be relatively cheap.

I hope that answers your question!