
coroutine matched with go routine

cnmade opened this issue · 6 comments

I am not ok , i can not find the solution matched with golang go routine.
for example code

func MyQtaskHandler() {
   //execute a  very long time heavy job in a go routine
    go heavyJob();
// but still can return as fast as we can
   return json;

For this example, user request the api, then quickly got the answer. it's a json return.

and the background go rountine , running a heavy job, which may talk serval hours.

but no matter how long it takes. user don't feel it.

this is golang's magic.

I can not sure how to do it with Rust.

use tide::Request;
use tide::prelude::*;
use async_std::task;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Animal {
    name: String,
    legs: u16,

async fn main() -> tide::Result<()> {
    let mut app = tide::new();"/orders/shoes").post(order_shoes);

async fn coroutine(){

async fn order_shoes(mut req: Request<()>) -> tide::Result {
    let Animal { name, legs } = req.body_json().await?;
    Ok(format!("Hello, {}! I've put in an order for {} shoes", name, legs).into())

curl http://localhost:8080/orders/shoes -d '{"name":"dog", "legs": 4}' -X POST

@goldwind-ting by the document said:

Spawns a new asynchronous task, returning a [JoinHandle]( for it.

Spawning a task enables the task to execute concurrently to other tasks. The spawned task may execute on the current thread, or it may be sent to a different thread to be executed. The specifics depend on the current [Runtime]( configuration.

There is no guarantee that a spawned task will execute to completion. When a runtime is shutdown, all outstanding tasks are dropped, regardless of the lifecycle of that task.

Looks like it will be dropped, not guarantee to complete .

but i tested go rountine, it will complete, even when the parent invoker thread closed.

@goldwind-ting i don't tell, but golang using large code to implement their goroutine logic.

Have you checked above code?
If you run the code, the spawned task will run until the main is shutdown.

@goldwind-ting I run it already. but i still can not quite sure the logic behind the action. thanks for explain.