
Time to get some more organized governance for this repo

derberg opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Bindings are cool as they make spec protocol agnostic, but that also means that there is no single human that can handle ownership of every binding out there (opinions are my own ๐Ÿ˜„ )

Time to setup CODEOWNERS file and get a setup where specific bindings are owned and maintained by their main contributor.
In other words, I personally do not want and do not feel it is right that I can approve any changes done to ibmmq or anypointmq. It just doesn't make sense ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ

My proposal is to create a CODEOWNERS files with the following hierarchy:

  • @rcoppen would you be ok to become an owner of ibmmq binding?
  • @dalelane @lbroudoux looking at the state of our community you are the ones that are closest with the community and most active in Kafka-topics so would be awesome if you both could become owners of kafka binding?
  • @GeraldLoeffler would you be ok to become an owner of anypointmq binding?
  • me and @fmvilas would still stay for the rest and onboard any new owners whenever it is possible ๐Ÿ˜“
  • @KhudaDad414 as you contributed 98% of JSON Schemas for binding, could you become owner of those as long as needed so support review?

What it means to people that agree to be in above-mentioned file:

  • you are invited to have write access in the repo
  • you can accept/reject changes in bindings that you own
  • you must of course follow code of conduct, that you already follow
  • you need to help with reviews of PRs related to bindings that you own

Last but not least, because you become a maintainer, you MAY also join the TSC of AsyncAPI Initiative

@derberg It would be a pleasure ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

@derberg yeah, absolutely - I'd be happy to

Hey @derberg and all,
It's a pleasure and honour to join!

@derberg yes, happy to help.

@derberg : yep, hereby signing-up for anypointmq binding ownership

I'll craft a PR with CODEOWNERS files later this week. If in the meantime someone has time to do it, feel free, example is here