
[Question] How to enable request and response log in http method?

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4nif commented


Is it possible to enable request and response log for each http method (POST, GET, PUT, etc) in Robotframework report?

I know I can use Output keyword, but I'll have to add this keyword on every HTTP method that I use in the test cases.
Is it possible to enable request and response by default in robotframework report?


You could either create own testlibrary ( that will extend to RESTinstance, or create keyword that will take the request keyword as an argument and then run the output after that one.

As a follow up, having keyword specific logging is somewhat implemented with #85 and is on the scope for release 1.2, which we are hopefully releasing in the upcoming weeks.

4nif commented

Thanks @asimell, looking forward for the new release.

1.2.0 has been released with #85 implementation. We're aware it's not exactly what you asked, but please check if that fulfills your needs. I'm closing the issue for now, but please reopen if needed.