- allen-munschNorthern Region of MN
- andreuboadaITAM
- bklimowskiIntrum
- bourbakisShanghai
- bshor
- caifand
- cswatersWest Palm Beach, Florida
- erikvangamerenNRC
- favstats@r-user-group-stuttgart
- fewohlgemuthAustria
- five-dotsTMK Corporation
- harryprinceMobike
- IbiloyeAC1Nigeria
- jaeyk@codeforamerica @snfagora @p3lab
- jamesmartherusMorning Consult
- JanLauGeGoogle
- jobreuGESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
- karthy257University of Central Florida
- kfengc27The University of New South Wales
- luyaninthu@Tsinghua University
- maskegger
- mauriziopaulNIAID
- mrhaliax
- mt-digitalStanford University
- nerskinBelconnen
- nonsabotage
- perlatexsichuan normal universtiy
- randomeffect
- robmonnig
- satopan
- soxvUniversity of Washington
- suntzuisafterUSiemens EDA
- sysilviakim
- talegariGames24x7
- tpaskhalisTCD/LSE/NYU
- XiangyunHuang@cosname