
Have problem when npm run build-prod

Closed this issue · 18 comments

Hi, it's okay with it in development mode but have ERROR in prod mode:

ERROR in Unexpected value 'DateTimePickerDirective in .../node_modules/ng2-eonasdan-datetimepicker/dist/datetimepicker.directive.d.ts' declared by the module 'AppModule in .../src/app/app.module.ts'

can you help me with it?

iturn commented

Maybe related to AOT compiling and loading, what is the result if you run the ng build without aot?
ng build --prod --aot=false

With such command its okay, it works and build correctly, but i have command "npm run build-prod" in deployment, how can i use this with deploying?
Also errors still exist wit "ng --prod" command.

iturn commented

this means, that the module is not AOT compatible. This is something the module owner could fix.

You can do a ng build --prod --aot=false and not have AOT in your production build. The normal ng build --prod command has default AOT set to true, that is why you get the errors.

If you want AOT you could remove this module from your application and consider

atais commented

What this module lacks for AOT support?

I can't use the ngx-bootstrap datepicker because i need the date and time picker in one window, so thats why i decide to use this picker.

iturn commented

Ok then maybe make the changes in de module and create a PR for the owner

atais commented

@egnashko If you need this AOT change fast I would be really glad to accept the PR 👍

atais commented

@iturn do you have any experience if the changes you mentioned (to adapt to AOT) may break the build with JIT?

iturn commented

Sorry, i dont know about that. But from what i read it should not.
Also i read the first answer here, it might be very easy to provide AOT support.

@iturn so as i understand if i want to built my project with AOT it's better to use other date-time-picker?

@atais i am sorry, i am new in code =) and don't know what "PR" means. What it means?

iturn commented

The code i using:
app.module.ts (uses DateTimePickerDirective cose without it have error that "A2Edatetimepicker is not ngModule")

import { DateTimePickerDirective } from 'ng2-eonasdan-datetimepicker/dist/datetimepicker.directive';
declarations: [


import 'eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker';


styles: [

component html

<div class="input-group">
        <input class="form-control"
        <span class="input-group-addon"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span></span>


private a2eOptions = {format: 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A'};

    dateChangeFrom(date) {
        this.filter.from = date.format(this.a2eOptions.format);
    dateChangeTo(date) { = date.format(this.a2eOptions.format);
atais commented

@egnashko If you are not able to fix this library you may either use other library or turn of AOT. At least until I fix it or somebody else does.
Currently, I am busy with other projects so I can't promise this fix in the nearest future.

@atais okay, thank you, i'll try to fix it and if it'll be success i'll write here. Thank you. Also if i couldn't do it i will wait you fixes in anytime.

atais commented

it should be fixed with #31
right @fetrarij ?

@atais that's right, with #31