kinetic drag for mobile & desktop,
In your web page:
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="dist/jquery.pep.min.js"></script>
jQuery(function($) {
$('#pep').pep(); // yup, that simple.
Pep has many options. Here they are in their entirety, with their defaults.
defaults = {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// debug via a small div in the lower-righthand corner of the document
debug: false,
// class to add to the DOM el while dragging
activeClass: 'active',
// +/- this number to modify to 1:1 ratio of finger/mouse movement to el movement
multiplier: 1,
// +/- this number to modify the springiness of the object as your release it
velocityMultiplier: 1.9,
// in some cases, we don't want to prevent the default on our Pep object, your call
shouldPreventDefault: true,
// space delimited set of events which programmatically cause the object to stop
stopEvents: '',
// apply the CSS3 silver bullet method to accelerate the pep object:
hardwareAccelerate: true,
// use CSS transform translations as opposed to top/left
useCSSTranslation: true,
// apply `user-select: none` (CSS) to the object
disableSelect: true,
// get more css ease params from [ ]
cssEaseString: "cubic-bezier(0.190, 1.000, 0.220, 1.000)",
// how long should it take (in ms) for the object to get from stop to rest?
cssEaseDuration: 750,
// disable/enable easing
shouldEase: true,
// CSS selector that this element can be dropped on, false to disable
droppable: false,
// class to add to active droppable parents, default to pep-dpa (droppable parent active)
droppableActiveClass: 'pep-dpa',
// override pep's default overlap function; takes two args: a & b and returns true if they overlap
overlapFunction: false,
// constrain object to 'window' || 'parent'; works best w/ useCSSTranslation set to false
constrainTo: false,
// remove margins for better object placement
removeMargins: true,
// constrain object to either 'x' or 'y' axis
axis: null,
// DO NOT USE: this is subject to come/go. Use at your own risk
forceNonCSS3Movement: false,
// called continuously while the object is dragging
drag: function(){},
// called when dragging starts
start: function(){},
// called when dragging stops
stop: function(){},
// called after dragging stops, and object has come to rest
rest: function(){}
// Toggle functionality of all Pep objects on the page
// Explicitly disable all Pep objects on the page
// Explicitly enable all Pep objects on the page
Checkout the examples in the demos
folder, which cover a wide array of test cases and options. Or you can check out other examples at (which can also be found in more detail on Codepen:
Visit us at or follow me on Twitter: @brianmgonzalez.
Pep has been tested in the latest:
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Safari
- Opera
- Internet Explorer
As well as:
- Internet Explorer 6 impossible!
- Internet Explorer 7 you're insane?
- Internet Explorer 8 I don't believe!
- Internet Explorer 9 are you sure?
- 05/01/13 - Added in
functionality - 12/02/12 - Complete rewrite with support for movement using CSS3 Transforms (
function) - 05/30/12 - Initial version