
EDoc extension for generating HTML or Github-flavored Markdown from AsciiDoc sources

Primary LanguageErlangMIT LicenseMIT

AsciiEDoc - EDoc extension for generating HTML or Github-flavored Markdown from AsciiDoc sources

This fork is based on asciidoctor with support for embedded diagrams.


Install Asciidoctor and AsciiDoctor Diagram


Copy doc/asciidoc_stylesheet.css to your rebar project.

Add something similar to your rebar.config:

{profiles, [{docs, [{edoc_opts, [{doclet, asciiedoc_doclet}
                                , {new, true}
                                , {subpackages, false}
                                , {image, ""} % don't copy erlang.png
                                , {stylesheet_file, "doc/asciidoc_stylesheet.css"}
                   , {deps, [{asciiedoc, {git, "git://github.com/eryx67/asciiedoc.git", {branch, "master"}}}

To copy your overview.edoc to README.md you can use pandoc, example for Makefile:

doc: edoc

readme: doc
	asciidoc -b docbook45 -o - doc/overview.edoc | \
	sed -E 's@([>"])(img/)@\1doc/\2@g' | \
	pandoc -s -f docbook -t gfm -o README.md