Looking for people who want to translate pets adoption app (Android app).
App link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ppapps.petsapp
- Clone the project, create new values folder with translated language extension for example folder name values-ru (for Russian).
- Copy words from default folder - values\strings.xml
- Translate the words and put the xml file into the new folder.
- Send pull request.
Existing languages:
- English
- Russian
- Italian - baldapps
- German - FriederZi
- portuguese - krllus
- Malay - chantw
- French - liltof
- Serbian Latin - milansamardzic
Big thanks to contributors!
I will create about page with translators names.
Contact me on skype (pavelpoley88) i will ask your agreement to add your name and photo to app translators section.
Feel free to contribute.