
[improvement] change "Loading..." div in provider to a configurable component

Closed this issue · 5 comments

using react-db-google-sheets with any decent UI and any large dataset from GSheets it's a visual pain, as there's no way to customize the plain div for the loading state w/o modifying the core module

how about adding a config option to pass a custom component for loading?

@robertvasile great idea! planning on supporting that feature in the next release.

merged via #9. queued for next release.

new release (2.1.0) has been published and has this feature. update your package to this version for the feature.

thanks for the feature request, and feel free to submit a new issue if you come across an odd behavior or have more suggestions!

you need to update the docs, there's an error there (probably from c/p the text block)
dataLoading instead of dataLoadError


darn, great catch. oversight on my part. should be fixed now.