
Feature request: Add support to run through xargs (show absolute path)

Knud3 opened this issue · 7 comments

Knud3 commented

e.g. when running find "${PWD}" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 colorls -l it only shows file names.

find "${PWD}" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l in otherhand shows files with absolute path.

I'd like to take it up ✋🏽

Update: Issue found

colorls treats file arguments differently from how ls does.

When the argument is file path, colorls just displays the file name. Whereas, ls displays the relative file path

@avdv Can we close this issue, now that the related PR has been merged

avdv commented

@avdv Can we close this issue, now that the related PR has been merged

Yes, of course. Fixed by #594

Knud3 commented

Fantastic update! Thanks @ayushpoddar!

@avdv, any schedule when gem package get updated with this PR? Latest release is over year old.

avdv commented

any schedule when gem package get updated with this PR? Latest release is over year old.

Seems like I Inadvertently had broken our publish process and just figured this out: #596 -- if this is merged you should be able to install a pre-release version immediately, but still needs an approval from @athityakumar

any schedule when gem package get updated with this PR? Latest release is over year old.

Seems like I Inadvertently had broken our publish process and just figured this out: #596 -- if this is merged you should be able to install a pre-release version immediately, but still needs an approval from @athityakumar

I will wait until this PR is merged before creating any more PRs