
allowedCapabilityTypes should support 'object'

irritanterik opened this issue · 6 comments

Object typed capabilities are needed for capabilities like long latitude locations or other multi-dimensional datapoints.
This is an undocumented breaking change as of version 0.9.1.

That would be really hard to validate. Wouldn't string suffice in this case? e.g. 50.654,7.3484

I'll try to get it working with a string and JSON.stringify(), but don't like the coding and decoding necessary in backend and frontend when implementing custom mobile cards.

Hm, as custom components aren't supported for now, how would you then display it in a mobile card?

Ah. Thought it was supported as of v 0.9.1. My mistake. Eventually want to do something like:

Alright. When creating support for custom mobile cards I'll keep that in mind!

Thanks. Close this issue for now.