
Recommended way to use custom css with Archie

francisbarton opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there
I am interested in adding a custom css file to make tweaks to my site's appearance. I think it is more sensible to work with a separate file rather than editing the built-in css files (main and dark). Please would you suggest a suitable place to put this file and how to link to it from config.toml so it can be read appropriately? Or is this not possible with this theme?

I've put a line under [params] in config.toml like this:

customCSS = "css/archie_tweaks.css"

but I don't think the theme is set up to include this? I have a file static/css/archie_tweaks.css with a couple of changes in it.

It would be great to have some clarification or guidance.
Thank you.

athul commented

Hey, Custom CSS isn't implemented yet, but it's easy to do so. Here is the code. Also add a customCSS key in the config.toml file for it to fully work

{{- if isset .Site.Params "customcss" }}
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}{{ .Site.Params.customCSS }}" />
{{- end }}

Just paste the code in

It would also be great, If you would like to send a PR for the same:smile:


Thank you Athul!