
Text selection color is probably wrong for dark mode

altxtech opened this issue · 2 comments

Light mode mode has a red accent color and red text selection color.

Dark mode has a green accent color and red text selection color? Besides, it look pretty ugly. I suspect it was supposed to be green.

To be clear about what I mean by text selection color:

The dark mode has neon green underlines, hover, and red text selection.

The light mode has red underlines and black with a hint of dark purple hover and red text selection.

The above colors are what I've had since using this theme last year.

Since you say the red text selection color is ugly, you can always change the theme's text selection colors to ones you like, as shown by the link you provided in your post.

Based on this theme, look at the red text selection on Athul's website; the red goes well with the dark background.

I like how he's kept his theme dark without the light mode option, and his modified Archie is colorful!

I like the developer's original colors because they're pretty and easy on my eyes.

If the current text selection color is as intended, issue closed. I'll just personalize it myself.
But to me it looked very much not intentional, So I thought it was better to bring it up.