
Qt generated header files (in *_autogen/include/*) are not detected

krofna opened this issue · 6 comments

.h file generated from .ui file by set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON) doesn't seem to be detected so flycheck shows bunch of errors

I haven't written Qt code in years. I don't remember CMAKE_AUTOUIC existing then. Do these headers appear in the compile_commands.json file generated by CMake?

-I/tmp/cmakerq0UZW/ChApp_autogen/include is there.

@krofna But you don't see /tmp/cmakerq0UZW/ChApp_autogen/include in flycheck-clang-include-path?

It's there. I just noticed that I actually have to remove the #include "ui_mainwindow.h" line after cmake-ide-compile and write it again for it to take effect; just runningflycheck-buffer or making any other change in the file is not enough. So it's definitely not a bug in cmake-ide.

Is this fixed? I try cmake-ide with a qt based project and get similar errors.

@Thaodan It was closed by the submitter.