
Example project?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Do you happen to have an example project using AES encryption with Desfire cards?

Have you checked out the test files?
The 'App 4' is what you're looking for.

File records in each app have their own communication security setting.
To utilize key cipher during communication, make sure to set them to :mac or :encrypt.

Thanks, it would be cool to see an example project that has documentation for reading and writing that isn't just in test files. I think I can figure it out, but I'm new to RFID stuff so it's a little hard. Thanks for the work on this!

I feel the same for not making real project, but those test files actually run against real RFID cards. That said, you can see them as mini projects.

Also, make sure to browse comments in lib files. They contain a lot of info I read from ISO and MIFARE manuals.