
Attempt at creating an etherscan data connector to retrieve the balance of an eth address from etherscan.



  • Ubuntu 20.04 with Linux Kernel ≥ 5.11
  • CPU: Intel Xeon E-2288G
  • Docker (>= 20.10.21) & Docker-Compose

Prepare cert files

To establish a TLS channel, we need a CA and generates a client cert for mutual authentication, store them at cert directory.

  • Generate Client private key:

    openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out cert/client.key
  • Export the keys to pkcs8 unencrypted format

    openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in cert/client.key -out cert/client.pkcs8
  • Generate Client CSR

    openssl req -new -SHA256 -key cert/client.key -nodes -out cert/client.csr
  • Generate Client Cert

    openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost,") -days 3650 -in cert/client.csr -CA cert/ca.crt -CAkey cert/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out cert/client.crt

Pull Docker images


Build & Deploy

  • Build Sibyl:

    docker build -t sibyl -f Dockerfile.sibyl .
  • Build Sibyl with mTLS:

    docker build -t sibyl -f Dockerfile.mTLS.sibyl .
  • Build DCsv2 Sibyl:

    docker build -t sibyl -f Dockerfile.DCsv2.sibyl .
  • Build DCsv2 Sibyl with mTLS:

    docker build -t sibyl -f Dockerfile.DCsv2.mTLS.sibyl .
  • Build DCsv2 custom DCAP service:

    docker build -t pccs -f Dockerfile.DCsv2.pccs .
  • Deploy Sibyl:

    docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up
  • Deploy Sibyl with custom DCAP service:

    docker compose -f docker-compose-dcap.yml up

Then Sibyl will run and listen on port 3443.

For Azure VMs, custom DCAP service is only avaiable for DCsv2 and is not supported in DCsv3.


For example, if you want to make a get query for url

curl -k --location 'https://localhost:3443/query' --key ./cert/client.pkcs8 --cert ./cert/client.crt \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "query_type": "demo_get",
    "query_param": {
        "host": "",
        "url": "/repos/github/repo-name",
        "port": 443