
Prebuilded FW images cause Arduino builds fail

iDoka opened this issue · 1 comments

iDoka commented

My trying of builds after several hour is fail.
I suppose inappropriate tool version or unresolved depencies ($ avr-gcc -v is gcc version 4.9.2 (Fedora 4.9.2-1.el7))
Could you provide proper FW for Arduino UNO or maybe proven Makefile for build it my own? (GUI-based tools is really hard to understand build working)

screenshot from 2016-10-30 22-52-18
screenshot from 2016-10-30 22-53-05

Thanks in advance!

closing due to age. please reopen if you still have issues.
most CanCats these days are running on Arduino DUE or Maccina M2 hardware, so the build uses different libraries.