
Cart Page

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Issue: Implement Cart Feature


Feature: Develop the Cart page as per the provided design. This page will display products currently in the user's cart, allowing for quantity adjustments and removal of items.

Design Reference



  1. Create Cart Component:

    • Set up the Cart component structure.
    • Ensure integration with existing navigation components.
  2. Display Products:

    • Implement UI to display products in the cart with their images, names, prices, and other details.
    • Include color and size options for each product.
  3. Quantity Management:

    • Add controls to increase or decrease product quantities.
    • Ensure quantity changes update the cart total dynamically.
  4. Remove Items:

    • Implement functionality to remove products from the cart.
    • Confirm removal action with the user.
  5. Responsive Design:

    • Ensure the cart page is responsive and visually consistent across devices.
  6. Styling:

    • Apply styling based on the provided design, focusing on clarity and usability.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Products are displayed with correct details and styling.
  • Users can adjust quantities and remove products.
  • The page is responsive and matches the design.
  • All functionality is thoroughly tested.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure best practices in React and TypeScript are followed.