
Enhanced tarsnap notifications

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

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Argosnap is a tarsnap utility designed to send notifications when the picoUSD balance falls below a predefined threshold. Currently the following notification methods are supported:


Linux, *BSD and MacOSX

The main dependency is mechanize. Install the gems via rubygems:

$ gem install mail mechanize argosnap


Run argosnap to create the configuration files:

$ argosnap -i config

You need to edit the settings accordingly. The configuration file is located at $HOME/.argosnap/config.yml and looks like this:

:email: tarsnap_email@domain.net
:password: tarsnap_password
:threshold: 10
:seconds: 86400
:notifications_osx: false
:notifications_email: false
  :email_delivery_method: smtp
  :smtpd_user: my_smtp_user
  :smtpd_password: my_smtp_password
  :smtpd_address: smtp.domain.net
  :smtpd_port: 465
  :smtpd_from: no-reply@domain.net
  :smtpd_to: user@domain.net
  :format: txt
:notifications_pushover: true
  :key: <my-hash-key>
  :token: <app-token-key>

You need to enable notifications to use them. See the wiki for details on how to setup notifications.


Argosnap usage is straight forward:

$ argosnap -h
argosnap ( https://github.com/atmosx/argosnap/ )
Usage: argosnap [OPTIONS]

 -v:           dislay version
 -i config:    install configuration files
 -i plist:     install plist file for OSX
 -p:           prints the current amount in picoUSD
 -p clean:     prints only the picollars (float rounded in 4 decimals), to use in cli
 -n mail:      send notification via email
 -n pushover:  send notification via pushover
 -n osx:       display osx notification
 -n notify:    send notifications everywhere

-v, --version                    display version
-i, --install [OPTION]           install configuration files
-p, --print [OPTION]             fetch current amount in picoUSD
-n, --notification [OPTION]      send notification via email
-h, --help                       help

$ argosnap -p
Current picoUSD balance: 4.287
$ argosnap -p clean


See License.txt for details.


  1. Fork it ( http://github.com/atmosx/argosnap/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request