
import typhon.retrieval fails because of missing worldmap

simonpf opened this issue · 0 comments

Bug report

Bug summary

Importing of typhon.retrieval module fails

Code for reproduction

import typhon.retrieval

Actual outcome

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-1bc9d9b9f8dc> in <module>
----> 1 import typhon.retrieval

~/src/typhon/typhon/retrieval/ in <module>
      6 from .common import *  # noqa
      7 from .oem import *  # noqa
----> 8 from .spareice import *  # noqa

~/src/typhon/typhon/retrieval/spareice/ in <module>
      8 """
---> 10 from .common import *
     12 __all__ = [s for s in dir() if not s.startswith('_')]

~/src/typhon/typhon/retrieval/spareice/ in <module>
     75 from typhon.collocations import collapse, Collocations, Collocator
     76 from typhon.geographical import sea_mask
---> 77 from typhon.plots import binned_statistic, heatmap, styles, worldmap
     78 from typhon.utils import to_array, Timer
     79 import xarray as xr

ImportError: cannot import name 'worldmap' from 'typhon.plots' (/home/simonpf/src/typhon/typhon/plots/

Version information

In [3]: typhon.__version__                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Out[3]: '0.8.0dev'