
Latex command documentation link is outdated

jooseyo opened this issue · 1 comments


In features, Supported LaTeX commands is outdated. Also, for macros of Latex, the file to be edited is ~/.atom/markdown-preview-plus.yaml not ~/.atom/markdown-preview-plus.cson. I think the documentation must be updated.

Also, is there a way to include any Latex packages? or, do you have plan to add it?

Yep, docs need to be updated. Apparently I forgot to do it. The correct link is (at least for the time being we're sticking to MathJax v2.7)

Also, is there a way to include any Latex packages? or, do you have plan to add it?

Not possible and no plan. We aren't actually using LaTeX, we're using MathJax. It's a rather limited subset of LaTeX math specifically, so supporting bona fide LaTeX packages is simply not possible. You want full-blown LaTeX, you use full-blown LaTeX.