Save as PDF produces nothing
ginavong opened this issue · 3 comments
Save as PDF takes you through the "save as" menu but silently produces no file. Print to PDF still works but hyperlinks etc won't work this way.
System info: Windows 10, MPP 4.9.4 default settings
Started: Sometime in April after an update (there have been many updates recently and I can't remember which one sorry).
Steps to reproduce
This was an issue with Atom 1.56 (more specifically Electron 9), but I'm pretty sure I fixed it in v4.9.4. That said, I didn't test on Windows, this may be platform-specific. I personally use pdf export occasionally, and it works for me in v4.9.5 and Atom v1.56 on Linux. Just to be sure, check if the issue reproduces on latest releases. Meanwhile, I'll try to get a dev environment up and running on some Windows machine.
Can't reproduce on Windows 10, Atom v1.56.0, MPP v4.9.5.
Confirmed: it works on MPP v4.9.5 thanks