
Changing callback based on the grammar of the active text editor?

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Is it possible to change the callback for a button based on the grammar of the active text editor?

This issue seems related: #192

suda commented

Interesting idea. How would you propose to declare different callback s for different grammars?

  • One way is to just write a function that handles the changes and dispatches on separate callbacks for different grammar. This is independent of Tool-bar.
function mycallback() {
	// change callback based on the grammar
	let grammar = atom.workspace.getActiveEditor().getGrammar()
	if (grammar == "julia") {
	  // do this
	} else {
	  // do that

The first way allows for more flexibility, which is currently possible anyways.

  • The second way is to provide another option in ButtonsOptions for different grammars, and make Tool-bar dispatch on the correct callback based on the active grammar:
    icon: 'octoface',
    callback: {
        julia: "app:do-julia",
        python: "app:do-python"

The second way is nicer in my opinion. However, I don't know how we are going to handle its possible conflict with Key modifiers without breaking backward compatibility. Probably there is a way.

Maybe we can add an option to enable grammar dispatch:

    icon: 'octoface',
	grammars: true, // enables grammars and breaks key modifiers
    callback: {
        julia: "app:do-julia",
        python: "app:do-python",
        c: {
          // now key modifiers should be under the individual grammar
          "": "app:do-c1",
          "shift": "app:do-c2"

I like the idea, I don't think it would cause problems with key modifiers, personally, as I wouldn't use any other keys than shift, ctrl, etc. But of course, some people may use e.g. c (and there may be grammers that conflict with those keys as well...).

Perhaps we could make the grammar thing explicit from within the callbacks object, e.g.:

  icon: 'octoface',
  callback: {
    grammar: {
      julia: "app:do-julia",
      python: "app:do-python",

      // The "c" language
      c: "app:do-c-lang",

    // the "c" key
    c: "app:do-c-key",

Or distinguish grammers/languages from keys in the key name, e.g.:

  icon: 'octoface',
  callback: {
    // Using a "lang" or "language" prefix
    "lang-julia": "app:do-julia",
    "language-julia": "app:do-julia",

    // Using a "grammer" prefix
    "grammer-julia": "app:do-julia",

    // The you can use the "c" language
    "lang-c": "app:do-c-lang",
    // And the "c" key
    c: "app:do-c-key",

Where only one or multiple prefixes can be supported.

My concern is about the case when someone wants to use both modifiers and grammars. We should allow this too. My example allowed this. See c language for example that has modifiers for itself (shift, when in C grammar).

    icon: 'octoface',
	grammars: true, // enables grammars and breaks key modifiers.
					// now key modifiers should be under the individual grammar
    callback: {
        julia: "app:do-julia",
        python: "app:do-python",
        c: {
          "": "app:do-c1",
          "shift": "app:do-c2"

Another way is to just avoid doing this, and add an option to addButton itself, and have separate buttons for different grammars. This doesn't change modifiers syntax too. It allows for different class or shape for different grammars, and it can also solve #192, since we can hide the buttons when they are not in their grammar.

    icon: 'octoface',
	grammar: "julia",
    callback: "app:do-julia"

    icon: 'octoface',
	grammar: "python",
    callback: "app:do-python"

My concern is about the case when someone wants to use both modifiers and grammars. We should allow this too. My example allowed this. See c language for example that has modifiers for itself (shift, when in C grammar).

    icon: 'octoface',
	grammars: true, // enables grammars and breaks key modifiers.
					// now key modifiers should be under the individual grammar
    callback: {
        julia: "app:do-julia",
        python: "app:do-python",
        c: {
          "": "app:do-c1",
          "shift": "app:do-c2"

Of course! That would be possible with all proposals so far! If you want modifiers for the grammar callback you should specify it as an object.

Another way is to just avoid doing this, and add an option to addButton itself, and have separate buttons for different grammars. This doesn't change modifiers syntax too. It allows for different class or shape for different grammars, and it can also solve #192, since we can hide the buttons when they are not in their grammar.

    icon: 'octoface',
	grammar: "julia",
    callback: "app:do-julia"

    icon: 'octoface',
	grammar: "python",
    callback: "app:do-python"

This is quite a nice solution I think, definitely the most compatible with the current API. Unfortunately it would result in some duplication that is perhaps not desirable. 🤔

    icon: 'octoface',
	grammar: "julia",
    callback: "app:do-julia"

    icon: 'octoface',
	grammar: "python",
    callback: "app:do-python"

This is quite a nice solution I think, definitely the most compatible with the current API. Unfortunately it would result in some duplication that is perhaps not desirable. 🤔

Yes, I like this one more! Duplication could be solved by using variables.

let icon1 = 'octoface'

    icon: icon1
  	grammar: "julia",
    callback: "app:do-julia"

    icon: icon1
  	grammar: "python",
    callback: "app:do-python"

or more crazy:

let myoption = {
    icon: "octoface",
  	grammar: "julia",
    callback: "app:do-julia"


myoption.grammar = "python"
myoption.callback= "app:do-python"

If it was me I will just use separate variables to avoid duplication. 😄