
Touch Bar integration broken (again)

jpcranford opened this issue · 7 comments

Sometime between the fixes contained in #312 (i.e. a set of curly brackets in the /lib/touch-bar-manager.js file) and the release of v1.4.1, the support for Touch Bars broke... I think. I uninstalled and reinstalled this plugin and the issue persists.

Honestly I'm out of my depth, and if there's a debug/reloading step to take, please let me know.

@jpcranford Could you run apm install tool-bar and post the output?

Okay, after it gave me some grief because of too many aliases, I fixed that and finally got this result:

username_redacted@computer ~ % apm install tool-bar
Installing tool-bar to /Users/ldsmadman/.atom/packages ✓

I mean, I'm no programmer but I think this means it installed successfully, right? It didn't fix anything though

This shows that the package is installed correctly.

@suda Did you build-commit before publishing?

suda commented

@aminya yep, it's now a part of my release process.

I no longer have an MBP with a touch bar so I'm not able to debug it either. I'll mark this as "help needed" in case anyone else can help.

I have the same issue too. It won't show the icons

Note that this is being addressed here: #329

Fixed in 1.4.4