
path.extname is deprecated.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Argument to path.extname must be a string

path.extname (D:\GreenProgram\Atom\resources\app\src\electron-shims.js:20:10)
ATPOutputView.getCwd (C:\Users\Administrator\.atom\packages\atom-terminal-panel\lib\
BuiltinVariables.parseFull (C:\Users\Administrator\.atom\packages\atom-terminal-panel\lib\
BuiltinVariables.parseHtml (C:\Users\Administrator\.atom\packages\atom-terminal-panel\lib\
ATPOutputView.parseTemplate (C:\Users\Administrator\.atom\packages\atom-terminal-panel\lib\
ATPPanel.updateStatusBar (C:\Users\Administrator\.atom\packages\atom-terminal-panel\lib\

Thanks for contributing!

It appears that this is being caused by the atom-terminal-panel package, not Atom itself. It may be that there is still a bug in Atom. If so, we'll need the maintainer of the package that is causing the problem to help track that down. You should file this issue on their repository so they can either fix the problem or tell us where the problem is coming from. The Atom FAQ has information on how to contact the maintainers of any Atom community package or theme.