
Cannot publish: Creating new version failed: Git tag not found, becasue repo delete/recreation

keyuan0701 opened this issue · 0 comments


I faced the problem when publishing atom-tizentv package: Creating new version failed: Git tag not found
I think it caused by repo was deleted and recreated, it is same issue as #870, #873.

As the soluation provided in #870, could you kindly help to update my package registry to point the new repo id?
my atom package is :

Any help would be appreciated. 😄THANK YOU!!

Steps to Reproduce

  1. repo is deleted and recreated.
  2. publishing

Expected behavior:

package can be published.

Actual behavior:

apm publish -t v0.4.0
Publishing atom-tizentv@v0.4.0 ✗
Creating new version failed: Git tag not found

Reproduces how often:



apm 2.5.0
npm 6.14.5
node 10.20.1 x64
atom 1.50.0
python 2.7.12
git 2.7.4