
Creating new version failed: Git tag not found

Basit-qc opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to publish my first atom pacakge.
Initilally, I tried to publish from a private github repo by mistake. It failed.
I made the repo public, but it is still not working:

Here is the output.

>>> apm publish minor
Preparing and tagging a new version ✓
Pushing v0.1.0 tag ✓
Publishing codesync@v0.1.0 ✗
Creating new version failed: Git tag not found
>>> apm -v
apm  2.5.2
npm  6.14.8
node 12.4.0 x64
atom 1.55.0
python 2.7.16
git 2.31.1

Package name: codesync

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you

After trying couple of times, it finally published without error. Not sure how. Closing the issue for now