
Unable to publish package (API HTTP 500): Creating new version failed: Application error

mizusato opened this issue · 0 comments


Steps to Reproduce

Publish a new version for a package.

Expected behavior:

The new version should be published ✓ after authentication.

Actual behavior:

The new version is NOT published and the command line outputs an error.

$ apm publish patch
Preparing and tagging a new version ✓
Pushing v1.0.4 tag ✓
Publishing xxxxxxxxx ✗
Creating new version failed: Application error

Reproduces how often:

Tried 3 times and upgraded atom & apm but no luck.


$ apm --version
apm  2.6.5
npm  6.14.9
node 16.15.0 x64
atom 1.61.0-beta0
python 3.10.4
git 2.36.1

Additional Information

It seems that the API (${package}/versions) throws a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error when the command line tool trying to publish the new version.