
Right ALT still not behaving properly for Polish keyboard layout

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Atom 1.12 made big improvements in the realms of international keyboard support. Unfortunately people using Polish keyboard layout still can not use two characters from the Polish alphabet: ą (alt-a) and Ś (alt+shift+s) . It looks like alt-a binding is already taken by project-find:show-in-current-directory command and alt-shift-s is taken by snippets:available.

As for now the problem have been confirmed with Atom 1.12 on Mac OS X (Mac OS X 10.12.1 by szimek in #35 and Mac OS X 10.11.6 by me).

There is a workaround described by @Ben3eeE - one can add following code to the init script:

atom.keymaps.addKeystrokeResolver ({event}) ->
  if event.code is 'KeyS' and event.altKey and event.shiftKey
    return 'Ś'
  if event.code is 'KeyA' and event.altKey
    return 'ą'

If I understand correctly 1.12 was supposed to fix such problems, so I'd guess this qualifies as a bug?

@nathansobo I forget how this is supposed to work on macOS. I know Windows should always favor the AltGraph variant.

Sorry about this. We had a couple default bindings that I actually decided to remove and then forgot. Somehow I didn't hear any complaints during the beta period and forgot to remove them. We'll have a hotfix out soon with these bindings removed.

Fixed via atom/find-and-replace@f37f3d8 and atom/snippets@690d4fd.

Available now via 1.12.1. Thanks for the report!

Thank you for the instant reaction! I'm impressed :)

I'm still having problem with ż (alt + z) and ó (alt + o) also Polish keyboard
Atom 1.12.5, Win 10

@ilidan85 for those keys and Atom 1.12 this is expected. The keys are bound to editor:checkout-head-revision and application:add-project-folder. These keybindings were only removed or moved in Atom 1.13 since they are more common.

So your solution is to either unset these keybindings in Atom 1.12 or to run Atom beta. To unset the keybindings add the following to your keymap.cson which you can reach from the file menu. File -> Keymap...

'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])':
  'ctrl-alt-z': 'unset!'
  'ctrl-alt-o': 'unset!'

I tried to unset those keys, and after adding part of text to Keymap, they are highlighted in Keybidings as unset, but nothing changed. I still can't use alt+a (ą) alt+c (ć) and alt+o (ó). I'm using version 1.14.3.